Wood species
Origin: Asia
Latin name.
Tectona grandis L.f.
Natural vegetation area.
Level ground and hill forests of South Asia, from India to Vietnam.
The tree can reach the height of 40-45 metres, with diameter at breast height sometimes exceeding 1 metre. The trunk is mostly straight and with regular section.
The sapwood of the fresh-cut trunks is yellowish, whereas the heartwood, clearly distinguishable, is dark brown in the fresh condition, but then becomes dark golden brown or greyish dark brown with much darker variations with seasoning. The planed surfaces look greased due to the particular extracts contained in the cells; in the fresh condition, the wood slightly smells like leather.
Specific weight.
In the fresh condition 1,000 kg/m³ on average; after normal seasoning 680 kg/m³.
Histological structure.
Medium texture; mostly straight grain; however, many pieces have longitudinal sections with nice patterns, thanks to the grain irregularity.
Mechanical characteristics.
Axial compression strength 55 N/mm² on average; bending strength 115 N/mm² ; hardness from moderate to medium; the impact behaviour is mediocre.
Modulus of elasticity.
11.000 N/mm².
Most frequent structural defects and alteration.
Presence of fine mineral particles that cause the rapid dulling of cutting edges.
Satisfactory, also as regards marine wood borers such as Teredinidae and Chelura.
Texts taken from: “Manuale tecnico del legno”, FNALA CNA LEGNO LEGNO, by Prof. Ing. Guglielmo Giordano.
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