Wood species

Scots pine

Origin: Finland, Siberia, Austria, Poland, Latvia, Germany.

Latin name.
Pinus sylvestrtis L.

Natural vegetation area.
In Italy, Alps and northern Apennines. In Europe, the entire central-northern area.

Under optimal environmental conditions, the tree can reach the height of 40 m and the diameter at breast height of 70-80 cm; normally, however, the trunks are considered as fully grown when they have a diameter of 40-45 cm. The growth habit and the shape of the trunk strongly depend on the environment characteristics.

Large yellowish/whitish sapwood clearly distinguishable from the rosy or dark brown/light reddish heartwood, with growth rings far away from each other; very resinous. Frequent presence of resin and compression wood pockets; abundance of knots.

Specific weight.
In the fresh condition: 880 kg/m³ on average; after normal seasoning: 550 kg/m³.

Histological structure.
Texture from fine to medium; grain influenced by environmental conditions; the wood coming from moderate-altitude forests managed in a rational way features a straight grain, whereas the wood from high-altitude quite irregular forests often features a spiral grain.

Mechanical characteristics.
Axial compression strength 45 N/mm² on average; bending strength 95 N/mm²; low hardness. The impact behaviour is moderate.

Modulus of elasticity.
13.700 N/mm².

Most frequent structural defects and alteration.
Resin pockets; compression wood; grain deviation; abundance of knots; blue stains and other stains due to fungi.

It is influenced by the wood origin: whereas the Italian wood can easily deteriorate, especially because of fungi, the North Europe one has much better characteristics depending on a different content of extracts.


Texts taken from: “Manuale tecnico del legno”, FNALA CNA LEGNO LEGNO, by Prof. Ing. Guglielmo Giordano.


Species available for the following products:
